Fair Play for Children


  Fair Play for Children Publications

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Acceptable Behaviour in Tower Hamlets? 

Is it ok for police and council to 'ask' kids to sign a contract not to do ten things they which they haven't been doing anyway?  Or for one of them to be told she can't visit five estates where she all her family and friends live?   For threats of loss of home to be part of the process?   Fair Play followed 5 young peoples' encounters with 'Acceptable Behaviour Contracts'.     Acceptable to whom?

Risk and Play on Adventure Playgrounds       &      

Adventure Play - A Brief History

Two publications from Fair Play about Adventure Playgrounds, both by renowned playworker, Tony Chilton

Alternative Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Re UK Quinquennial Review 2016

Submitted by the Fair Play for Children Association, UK

Bouncy Castles

 Hints and Tips on the Use of Inflatables

from HSE:

Bouncy castles: safety advice

These simple precautions can help you avoid serious accidents, whether you supply bouncy castles and inflatables, or you are hiring one for your event.


Constitution of the Fair Play for Children Association

 Our governing document


Disabled Children Have a Right to Play 

 Andre Jackson is a freelance writer, with interests in daily living, mobility aid and the UK business sector. He has been writing for the past three years and is always looking for new collaborations with small businesses in the United Kingdom and also across Europe.

Fair Play Fact Sheets and Guides

Organising a PlayScheme


Local Play Partnerships — A grassroots exercise in developing children’s rights


The Children Act and Play


Out-of-School Day Care Clubs


Inclusion in Play


Consulting Children


Mobile Play


The Regulation of Day Care Services for Children


Child Protection in a Play Setting


Adventure Playgrounds


Formulating a local play policy


City Farms — Help the City Grow


Equal Opportunities in Children’s Play


Children and Playground Safety



Fair Play Manifesto 2010

Produced for the 2010 UK General Election

Fair Play Manifesto 2019 General Election

Fair Play Manifesto 2010 - Child Protection: a national swipe-card for adults when purchasing alcohol [PDF]

 The development of a national scheme to make it more difficult for children under legal age to obtain alcohol and to sanction adults who enable them to obtain alcohol – the introduction of a national swipe-card for adults when purchasing alcohol.


Fair Play's Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - UK Review 2016

This is our NGO report to the Committee raising issues about the UK and Article 31 (The Right to Play).  Serious questions raised about UK non-compliance.


Hints and Allegations

 Report in the wake of the Penn State abuse scandal and as allegations multiply re Jimmy Savile and abuse at the BBC, NHS hospitals etc, calls for independent Inquiry. 31 pages


How it All Started

  The letter to The Times in July 1972 by Trevor Huddleston which led to the creation of Fair Play for Children.

"I signed 'cos mum said we'd lose our home if I didn't sign"

Worrying Fair Play report about "acceptable" behaviour contracts.    Whose behaviour is unacceptable ......?


  REVISED November 2024      Outline of what Local Educational Authorities are required in law to do re facilities for children and young people, the relevant sections of the 1996 Act and the 2006 amendments are included, plus statutory guidance concerning activities under the Act for those aged 13 years+.   Includes Fair Play draft proposals to improve the legislation




This Model Policy has been drawn up to help managements of children's and young people's play and leisure organisations when they are considering the detail of a Child Protection Policy. It is a Model, not a prescriptive instruction, so the idea is that it can be adapted to suit local needs and circumstances.

One acre for every 18 .... Golfers fare better than kids

There are around 16100 playgrounds in England serving an estimated 11.2 million children aged under 16, or 1 acre of playground for every 752 children




PUBLICATIONS not published by Fair Play for Children

 A selection from various sources


Scholarly Journals - Childhood Studies

 An A-Z of journals on many aspects of childhood published by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

The Compatibility of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts with Article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Revised edition

 Fair Play for Children has undertaken a comprehensive review on the issuing by local police forces across England of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts with particular focus on whether the forces involved have taken into account Article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights(ECHR). In total 40 forces across England were surveyed across a number of questions under the Freedom of Information Act. 34 replied, one with separate data from 4 Divisions, one based on one Division.


The State of Play - perspectives for Local Councils 

 How can Local Councils (Parish/Town) ensure they have the right policies place to guarantee children the ability to play in a sustainable, safe and stimulating environment? Jan Cosgrove, National Secretary of Fair Play, writing in Local Council Review Winter 2012



United Nations Convention on The Rights of the Child

 This is the most-signed Convention/ Treaty in history. It sets out the basic rights of every child. Article 31, on which Fair Play for Children predicates its work, is about The Child's Right to Play, Rest and Leisure



Hop Skip and Jump    - 2-part BBC programme



Go to


All links are in yellow 0n this site

Children need Freedom to Play

Children need Play to Imagine

The Right to be a Child

= The Right to Childhood

  =  The Right to Play



Concerned About A Child?
FPFC NewsPublicationsOnline Library / ResearchJoin Fair PlayContact UsJobs in Play Childcare and Youth and Childcare
Commercial Play Centres
Your Nearest Scrapstore

Fair Play exists to campaign for the Child's Right to Play, part of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the World's most adopted Treaty, the UK has signed it.   Article 31 of the Convention states:

1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.  

2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity. 

      Fair Play for Children says Britain should incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of The Child into our national law

The Convention in full:   Read it HERE




Email:   FPfC1972@gmail.com

32 Longford Road, Bognor Regis  PO21 1AG,  UK

M  07488-265916

Skype:   FairPlayforChildren


Fair Play 50

On 31st July 1972, a letter appeared in 'The Times' in the wake of a tragedy - two boys aged nine and seven drowned playing in a tin bath in an East End Canal in London .... for want of somewhere safe to play.

A LETTER TO 'The Times':

How Fair Play started

That event led Bishop Trevor Huddleston CR, then Bishop of Stepney, to pen an angry reproach in the press, he had known both boys and their families.   It was not right, he insisted, that such a deficit should have led to their deaths.

With the same zeal that marked his defiance of apartheid in his native South Africa (from which he had been exiled for his views). Father Trevor launched this campaign, soon supported by The Duke of Edinburgh, it was, and is, known as Fair Play for Children.

Its mission is to achieve that safe, but challenging, play space for every child, as now stated in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

At Fair Play, how do we measure progress towards that aim?   Though much has been achieved, overall can we say that there has been much movement?    Yes, the community and voluntary sector in the UK has led the way, against huge odds mainly thrown in their way by the statutory sector.   Oh, plenty of platitudes, 'nice thoughts', but when we examine the record of government at all levels, it has been a sad tale of non-achievement, even of hindrance.  

To be blunt, always the first target for cuts especially by councils, often running counter to their statutory obligations, which goes all too often unchallenged from society.   Fair Play has been and is running a campaign on this aspect, to get the law updated so that councils are held to account by the Government. YOU CAN HELP IN THIS!

MPs and Ministers, local government chiefs, councillors etc all KNOW the importance of Play, or they pay it enough lip service that, were that translated into action and resource, we'd by now have a Play-scape for Heaven on earth.

At this time, so much has been lost, trashed by cuts, our children and young people have been betrayed.

Not very celebratory?    Well, what is stated does not diminish one jot the years of hard work and dedication people and organisations have contributed and continue to do so, Fair Play is dedicated to making sure they have first call.

We will be aiming to secure legislative changes through dialogue with the Government.
   You can help by aiming letters at the your MPs to get their support.   Keep in touch via this website.  We urge you to redouble the fight for a Fair Deal for Children's Play.   Join Fair Play, DONATE, campaign with us!

"The good news is, I just got reconnected with a fantastic organization. .... Hands down, they have the most comprehensive and up to date website I have ever seen... Outstanding. Thank you Fair Play for Children for being part of the good news…(even when you are sharing bad news). I needed you today!"


" Fair Play gives excellent support around Play-work issues offering leaflets and policy documents as well as up to date news and information. Ideal for any organisation offering play activities with children. "    cffc.co.uk

" A lively site with lots of information, including downloadable guidelines such as Organising a Playscheme and Child Protection in Playwork. This site also includes excellent information on adventure playgrounds. An excellent directory of play organisations. " 


Donations always welcome

We don't need a great deal to do our work but the truth is, if you want us to be effective, we have to ask you for a small donation.  

Volunteer effort = worth at least £24,000 in the past year has enabled this site, Fair Play for Children News, added Publications and Library items. updated Facebook and Twitter, made Freedom of Information requests, written to Ministers, MPs, Councils etc - and reached many groups and people.  

Donate directly from your online account

Name of account:  Fair Play for Children

Sort code:  77-91-28

Account number:  87251160


Pay via Pay Pal here

Fair Play for Children

OR by Card etc


Other British Isles National Play Organisations

Playing Out - Street Play

Play England

Play Ireland

Playboard Northern Ireland

Play Scotland

Play Wales

Fields in Trust

International Association for the Child's Right to Play - IPA


IPA Scotland

Children's Play Policy Forum

Fair Play for Children WAYBACK

These links are samples from our websites over the years, as captured by The Wayback Machine

www.fairplay31.online (current site)

www.fairplayforchildren.org (from 2008)


www.arunet.co.uk/fairplay   from 1998