Fair Play for Children

for the Child's Right to Play

Fair Play for Children Association is a Voluntary non-profit Organisation controlled by its Members, membership is FREE,  donations ALWAYS welcome

    All links are in yellow 0n this site

including     Fair Play for Children News:

Government urged to make UN Convention on Rights of the Child part of UK Law!

Also urges Government to act on Local Education Authorities not abiding by current law on Play/Youth provision

Fair Play exists to campaign for the Child's Right to Play, part of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the World's most adopted Treaty, the UK has signed it.   Article 31 of the Convention states:

1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.  

2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity. 

      Fair Play for Children says Britain should incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of The Child into our national law

The Convention in full:  Read it HERE

Gaza boy finds solace in kites amidst war devastation

The POWER of Play - Boy finds solace in kites amidst war devastation - WATCH HERE

Fair Play for Children News

  The World's Children - their lives, their futures, the World at Play.

Fair Play urges UK Government to make the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child part of UK domestic law

Read Letter & Update HERE:  We ask senior UK Government Ministers and devolved nation First Ministers to look at this bold aim so our children and young people can have the  fullest benefit of the UK's membership of this international Treaty.

Fair Play for Children urges Government to require Councils to implement existing statutory requirements on Play and Youth Provision

What the Law says your Local Education Authority should provide for Children and Young Peoples Play and Recreation by Law

Revised Fair Play advice including draft proposal for update of current Legislation.     NOVEMBER 2024.   The proposals would work to ensure better compliance by Local Education Authorities with their Statutory Duties.

Many if not most Local Education Authorities in England are failing to observe their legal duties re Play and Youth provision.  Fair Play is telling the Government it needs to act to ensure compliance in the wake of a huge loss of provision -  READ LETTER TO GOVERNMENT HERE

Fair Play for Children asks Birmingham City Council searching Freedom of Information questions about its major cuts to youth provision

FPfC focuses on the City’s duties under Education legislation concerning ‘sufficiency’ of provision and consultation of young people. Fair Play will evaluate the answers the Council gives and consider any action. In our view, this may well turn out to be a major concern.    Read FoI HERE

Fair Play for Children News is one of the best sources for news about Childhood, it's published regularly in four sections

Children's Play and Youth Work

including Children's Play, Youth Work, Sport, Arts, Recreation, Music, Culture, Youth Clubs

Children in the World and Society

including Children's Rights, Juvenile Justice, Child Slavery and Child Soldiers, Climate Change, Child Protection

Child Health Education and Wellbeing

including Education, Early Years, Child Care, Medical

Childhood Research and Science

including Medical Paediatric and other disciplines.

Fair Play for Children's CHILDHOOD: RESEARCH AND SCIENCE Page includes our ONLINE LIBRARY. links to other academic pages etc, and to previous editions and pages of Fair Play for Children News Childhood: Research and Science


News from Play England                               .News from Play Scotland

News from Play Wales.                                  News from Playing Out.

Fair Play News Archive, as far back as 2000!     News, magazine etc  .... work in progress!

Children, Young People and the Environment Inquiry - Levelling-Up Committee

January 2024 This is an important development which encompasses children's and young people's play and recreational/leisure needs

Read Fair Play for Children News coverage HERE

No ball games: life and play through the eyes of children across the UK

No ball games: life and play through the eyes of children across the UK

Celebrating the imagination and resourcefulness of young children across the UKby understanding the outdoor games they invent, inherit and play. The documentary was shot before Covid-19 changed their lives, and shiftsfrom rural Wales to post-industrial Teesside and inner-city London. What challenges will these young people face in the aftermath ofbrutal funding cuts to youth services? How can their optimistic energy strengthen their resilience in these challenging times?

Guardian documentary 2020

Our children should be Playing!



Not enduring this  ....


Banksy's view



The Child's Right to Play - The reasons Why

Why does the world's most successful treaty, The UN Convention on the Rights of The Child, include the Right to Play?   Whyis somuch emphasis given by educators, doctors and ohers to this?

Play is as old as humanity, back over 3.7 million years ago our distantancestors walked in Tanzania, there is a child walking beside an adult, no doubt curious and anxious to play .... 

Zeal for Play may have propelled human evolution

Zeal for Play may have propelled human evolution   .....   New York Times article

It is because for the Child, its Play may be 'messing about', Fun.seemingly aimless, something every child does without thinking whether it has to or not, but it is also just about the mostimportant thing it does.   Play is about Learning, about trial and error, about discovery, about relationships, indeedabout exploring the world around it.   Not for nothing has Play been called 'the child's natural business' (Albert Einstein).   

Imagine a world where suddenly something stops all our adult activity in itstracks.  Who would do the 'next thing' and what would that be?   Children might just Play...   They do in every conceivablesituation and circumstance as soon as they are able, they colonise, explore, learn, adapt.        

And yet, we adults have ensured that much of the child's play environmenthas been degraded and compromised - residential streets occupied by the car,  children's freedom to play restricted by fears,intolerance, adult agendas and pressures.   Their health is compromised as is their healthy development.   

The role of Fair  Play for Children is to keep that right and obligation before society, and to encouragepeople to fight for its advance.  We seek your support, membership, ACTION.      We are a Campaign for The Child's Right to Play - JOIN US!


What Fair Play is doing, its policies and projects, how you canparticipate.   Click on titles to access.


What the Law says your Local Education Authority should provide forChildren and Young Peoples Recreation by Law

revsised November 2024

Fair Play's information note explains their duties and obligations.

Fair Play -The beginnings

A LETTER TO 'The Times':      How Fair Play started

Fair Play 1972

The Letter that strated it all:  The Times' 31st July 1972

On 31st July 1972, a powerful letter appeared in 'The Times' in the wake of a tragedy - two boys aged nine and seven drowned playing in a tin bath in an East End Canal in London .... for want of somewhere safe toplay.

That tragedy led Bishop Trevor Huddleston CR, then Bishop of Stepney, to pen an angry reproach in the press, he hadknown both boys and their families.   It was not right, he insisted, that such a deficit should have led to their deaths.

With the same zeal that marked his defiance of apartheid in his nativeSouth Africa (from which he had been exiled for his views). Father Trevor launched this campaign, soon supported by The Duke ofEdinburgh, it was, and is, known as Fair Play for Children.  Its mission is to achieve that safe, but challenging, play space for every child, as now stated in Article 31of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

At Fair Play, how do we measure progress towards that aim?  Though much has been achieved, overall can we say that there has been much movement?    Yes, the community and voluntarysector in the UK has led the way, against huge odds mainly thrown in their way by the statutory sector.   Oh, plenty ofplatitudes, 'nice thoughts', but when we examine the record of government at all levels, it has been a sad tale of non-achievement,even of hindrance.  

To be blunt, always the first target for cuts especially by councils,often running counter to their statutory obligations, which goes all too often unchallenged from society.   Fair Play has been and is running a campaign on this aspect, to get thelaw updated so that councils are held to account by the Government. YOU CAN HELP IN THIS!

MPs and Ministers, local government chiefs, councillors etc all KNOW theimportance of Play, or they pay it enough lip service that, were that translated into action and resource, we'd by now have a Play-scapefor Heaven on earth.  At this time, so much has been lost, trashed by cuts, our children andyoung people have been betrayed.

Not very celebratory?    Well, what is stated does notdiminish one jot the years of hard work and dedication people and organisations have contributed and continue to do so, Fair Play isdedicated to making sure they have first call.

We will be aiming to secure legislative changes through dialogue withthe Government.   You can help by aiming letters at the your MPs to get their support.  Keep in touch via this website.  We urge you to redouble the fight for a Fair Deal for Children's Play.   Join Fair Play, DONATE, campaign with us!

Fair Play for Children

for the Child's Right to Play